String本质上就是Key, Value, 我们知道Rocksdb本身就是支持kv存储的, 我们为了实现Redis中的expire功能,所以在value后面添加了4 Bytes用于存储timestamp, 作为最后Rocksdb落盘的kv格式,下面是具体的实现方式: 如果我们没有对该String对象设置超时时间,则timestamp存储的值就是默认值0, 否则就是该对象过期时间的时间戳...
Method TestRun.update() will now accept %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S timestamp format. The previous format %Y-%m-%d is also supported Method TestExecution.create() now defaults to first neutral status instead of searching for the hard-coded IDLE. That means newly created test executions which do not...
Fix reported build timestamp in 'About' screen Add sample illustrating manual webcam use: ConceptWebcam Bug fixes Fixes SkyStone issue #248 Fixes SkyStone issue #232 and modifies bulk caching semantics to allow for cache-preserving MANUAL/AUTO transitions. Improves performance when REV 2M distance ...
Fix reported build timestamp in 'About' screen Add sample illustrating manual webcam use: ConceptWebcam Bug fixes Fixes SkyStone issue #248 Fixes SkyStone issue #232 and modifies bulk caching semantics to allow for cache-preserving MANUAL/AUTO transitions. Improves performance when REV 2M distance ...