Using KIWI® Shoe PolishHow to Polish Your Leather Shoes1. Shoes must be clean and dry before use. 2. Apply polish with a cloth or polish applicator. Allow polish to dry. 3. Buff to a gloss with a brush or soft cloth. 4. For an extra high shine, apply another light coat of ...
kiwi shoe polish 读音:美英 kiwi shoe polish基本解释 猕猴桃鞋油 分词解释 kiwi[动]鹬鸵,几维鸟,新西兰特产,喙长,无翼,不能飞(也是新西兰的国鸟及象征) shoe鞋 Polish波兰的
i accidentally got some laundry detergent on them and immediately wiped it off with a damp cloth. It's been 2 days and the stain is still there. Needless to say I'm very unsatisfied. Merchant Response Thanks so much for your feedback. We're sorry our KIWI® Protect-All Waterproofer ...