What's amazing to me is russia allows kiwis in the first place, considering their soviet past. Never in a million years thought I'd see the day when anyone in the world can tune in to a sdr located in russia or warsaw pact country. Back in the day we had to ring them ruskiis wit...
as part of the radio listening hobby. We do not encourage any radio operations contrary to regulations. Always consult with the appropriate authorities if you have questions concerning what is permissible in your locale.
Low noise QTH SDR receiver. Antennas are available on request. The following antennas are available: Log Periodic, Vertical, Mini Whip, Dressler Active Antenna, End Feed L antenna. Actually on R&S broadband vertical. During my TX period, you may have some interference. DRM, NAVTEX, WINLINK,...
as part of the radio listening hobby. We do not encourage any radio operations contrary to regulations. Always consult with the appropriate authorities if you have questions concerning what is permissible in your locale.