2. Also called ki′wi•fruit` (-ˌfrut) the egg-sized edible berry of the Chinese gooseberry, having fuzzy brownish skin and green flesh. 3. Informal. a New Zealander. [1825–35; < Maori] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 20...
Coaster -(Ex-) resident of the West Coast of the South Island. Cocky -Farmer, comes in "Cow" and "Sheep" variants. Crib -South Island name for a bach. Crook -Sick unwell or broken. Cuz or Cuzzy - Short for cousin, see "bro". College - High school, not university. Couch...
type of flightless bird of New Zealand, 1835, from Maorikiwi, said to be of imitative origin. As slang for "a New Zealander" (originally especially a soldier) it is attested from 1918. Thekiwi fruit(Actinidia chinensis), was so called in U.S. from c. 1966 when it was imported there...
In "A Kiwi Year: Twelve Months in the Life of New Zealand's Kids" children ages 4 to 8 will meet Charlie, Ruby, Oliver, Mason and Kaia - Kiwi kids representing a multicultural blend of culture and race that typifies our amazing country. A Kiwi Year More results ► Acronyms browser ?
Kea’s World Class New Zealanders help build New Zealand's reputation on the world stage. Passionate advocates for Aotearoa.
New Zealand College of Business 文/陈瑞琪 我是陈瑞琪,来自陕西科技大学镐京学院。通过学校的官方推荐的硕士预备项目,2019年2月,我来到了美丽的新西兰开始我的求学之旅。 新西兰商学院的老师经过精心的选择,给我安排了寄宿家庭让入住。寄宿家庭liz和Roger非常豪爽,第一天就给了我一个kiwi式的大拥抱,然后回家后就一...
you will find him to be an exceptional and tireless individual. He figured his way from New Zealand to the best universities around the world. He systematized his insights and created Crimson Education to help aspiring students understand the college admission system. Now he brings those insights...
Universities of New Zealand表示各高校已经在想办法,希望为回不了家的留学生排忧解难,不排除安排一些暑期课程,让学生们有事可做。 奥克兰Macleans College校长Steve Hargreaves称:"真的太难了,想想还是孩子,两年都见不到自己家人。" 他表示学校会为留学生安排暑期特别活动,暑期课程会提供,另外新年、圣诞也会为回不去...
New Zealand College of Business 不管您身在哪个国家,有一个能够证明自己身份的证件,是必不可少的。在国内我们的家乡,使用居民身份证;来到海外,我们则使用护照。 生活在新西兰,有很多地方都需要携带证件。大到办理银行业务,小到购买烟酒,这些都需要证件。一些小事情最好不要天天携带着护照,万一哪天丢失了就麻烦了...