我们KITZ集团在2021年庆祝成立70周年之际,深刻思考我们企业存在的价值,以及如何为社会做出贡献。于是在2022年2月,发表了长期经营愿景并修订了企业理念——「KITZ宣言」。 创造富饶的地球环境和可持续的未来是我们应承担的使命。为此,我们将进一步提升多年来积累的流体控制技术及材料开发能力,持续为社会基础设施的作出建设。
开滋集团 KITZ GROUP 首页/开滋集团 总代表致辞 企业使命 集团概要 发展历程 生产营销网络 中国网络 全球网络 可持续发展 环境活动 社会工作 行政管理 开滋映象馆
Kitz Group Global Network KITZ Group is working on the development of a global sales network in order to meet customers’ requests with regard to quality, price, delivery and service. Click here for details Supporting Japan’s fluid infrastructure with our comprehensive strength ...
KITZ Group Domestic Group companies Group outside Japan Valve Manufacturing Business Toyo Valve Brand Site Toyo Valve Brand Site Shimizu Alloy Mfg. Co., Ltd. 928 Higashinonamicho, Hikone-shi, Shiga pref. 522-0027, Japan TEL:+81-749-23-3131...
Group outside Japan Korea KITZ Corporation of Korea 20,Hwajeonsandan 6-ro, 54beon-gil, Gangseo-gu, Busan,Korea TEL:+82-51-290-3001 (Manufacture and sale of industrial butterfly valves and KITZ products) View Website KITZ Corporation of Korea (Seoul Branch Office) AIA TOWER 4F, 16, ...
Engineering System Group, Group head KITZ Corporation Propose an ideal system by using our experiences: Therefore, KITZ decided to renew their IT system in order to strengthen their management system as part of their mid-range plan. The main pillars of the project were to adopt a package-based...
The KITZ Group’s valves, equipped with actuators, provide a wide range of materials, valve types, and automation of production, are used to supply fluids and gases to machinery and equipment production facilities and semiconductor production facilities used in production lines and processing lines. ...
Kitz Beds, Kitz Furniture, Kitz Felixstowe, Kitz Group, Furniture, Children's Beds
Kitz Group 本文重点关注全球主要地区和国家,重点包括: 北美市场(美国、加拿大和墨西哥) 欧洲市场(德国、法国、英国、俄罗斯、意大利和欧洲其他国家) 亚太市场(中国、日本、韩国、印度、东南亚和澳大利亚等) 南美市场(巴西和阿根廷等) 中东及非洲(沙特、阿联酋和土耳其等) ...