Since its founding in 1951, KITZ Corporation has supported lifelines through the manufacturing and marketing of valve.It is the largest and the world-leading 10 comprehensive valve manufacturer in the domestic market.
Since its founding in 1951, KITZ Corporation has supported lifelines through the manufacturing and marketing of valve.It is the largest and the world-leading 10 comprehensive valve manufacturer in the domestic market.
楼宇建筑 机械设备 一般化工 石油化工 清洁能源 市政水处理 其他 半导体 数据中心 楼宇建筑 用于半导体制造工序, 控制和调节半导体生产过程中需要的各种流体介质。 球墨铸铁蝶阀 青黄铜阀 不锈钢球阀 了解更多 我们的优势 设计研发 生产制造 销售网络 物流仓储 ...
KITZ Corporation Difficult to maintain a complex system over 40 years of operation Valves that control the flow and stops of fluids such as water, air, oil, and gas, which are indispensable for our daily life and industry. It's KITZ, a comprehensive valve manufacturer that responds to these...
Browse All Categories in the Kitz Corporation of America catalog including Ball Valves,Butterfly Valves,Check Valves,Gate Valves,Globe Valves,Y Strainers
近日,KITZ Corporation计划在其越南子公司越南KITZ公司(KCV)的场地上建立一座新工厂,专注于为半导体设备市场生产高纯度气体兼容阀门。新工厂预计将于2025年11月开始运营,旨在通过扩大生产能力和稳定的产品供应来满足半导体设备市场的不断增长需求,同时确保可靠的供应来源。这一举措无疑将进一步巩固KITZ在阀门行业的领先...
KITZ CORPORATION 总部地址 〒105-7305 东京港区东新桥一丁目9番1 东京汐留大厦 成立日期 1951年1月26日 资本金 21,207.08百万日元 社长 河野 诚 上市证券交易所 东京证券交易所市场第一部 证券编号:6498 员工数 综合:5382人 阀门:1443人 经营范围
This is the Top page for the KITZ SCT CORPORATION. As a part of the all-around valve manufacturer KITZ Group, KITZ SCT maintains an integrated system providing development, manufacture, sales, and servicing of fluid control devices and equipment such as
企业信息 社长致辞 企业概要 KITZ SCT的制作产品 沿革 日本国内外网点 环保措施 产品信息 产品阵容 产品搜索 瞩目产品 选择阀门时的注意事项 实用资料 产品目录 CAD/图纸 白皮书 CV/流量计算工具 新闻 咨询 会员注册 网站地图 隐私政策 本网站的使用 © KITZ SCT Corporation. All Rights Reserved....