Concorde Valves is one of the top dealers of Kitz, Kitz Valves, Kitz Butterfly Valve, serving as Kitz Ball Valve Distributors and Kitz Valves Dealers in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Gujarat, and across India. We offer a wide range of high-quality Kitz Valves
KITZ Aluminum Butterfly Valves KITZ Brass Ball Valves Product Gallery Contact UsKitz Valves Distributors in Mumbai, India Concorde Valves and Automations established in the year 2011 has completed a decade in the Valves and Valves Automation industry. Concorde valves have constructed a status for preva...
We advanced from hand operated valves to automated valves, and from single valves to complex unit Fire-safe Test This test is to verify that, after resilient sealing components of a ball valve have been deterio- rated by a simulated plant fire, external leakage of the line fluid is ...
manualisrequired,contactKITZCorporationoritsdistributors. Theillustrationsgiveninthismanualdonotintroducealldetails.Ifmoredetaileddataareneeded,referto ourrelevantvalveassemblydrawings. ※Anyinformationprovidedinthismanualissubjecttochangeatanytimewithoutnotice,which cancelsallpreviousissues. SITCORPORATION DocumentNo.:KE...