序言 本书是去世不久的美国加州大学Berkeley分校荣休教授Charles Kittel(1916.5.18-2019.3.15)所著的Introduction to Solid State Physics(《固体物理学导论》)一书第8版的全球版(Global Edition)。《固体物理学导论》第8版的全球版与非全球版的主要区别有:...
曾谨言:《量子力学》全部杨福家:《原子物理学》Kittel:IntroductiontosolidstatephysicsAschcroft&MerminPilar:elementaryquantumchemistryOxfordmaster’sseriesIbach:SolidstatephysicsBallhausen:Introductiontoligandfieldtheory;&MolecularorbitaltheoryAtkins:MolecularquantummechanicsWalterHarrison’sseveralbandstructurebooks Mattuck:...
Kittel: Introduction to solid state physicsAschcroft & MerminOxford master’s seriesIbach: Solid state physics凝聚态物理: 基本知识曾谨言: 《量子力学》 全部杨福家: 《原子物理学》Pilar: elementary quantum chemistryWalter Harrison’s severalband structure booksKittel, Quantum theory of solid李正中《固体理...
内容提示: ir. EIGHTH EDlTlGlv Y - - -- "- .- 7 >. t;' 1 d' - lnfroduction to Solid State Physics '- t n. L - - -- - CHARLES KITTEL 文档格式:PDF | 页数:703 | 浏览次数:99 | 上传日期:2018-11-05 20:31:46 | 文档星级: ...
《固体物理导论》.Charles Kittel.2004年第8版.Introduction to Solid State Physics.pdf 701页内容提供方:KevinLiu4 大小:6.36 MB 字数:约222.36万字 发布时间:2022-07-15发布于辽宁 浏览人气:88 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Kittel Introduction to solid state physics:基特尔固体物理导论.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Kittel Introduction to solid state physics:基特尔固体物理导论 Kittel: Introduction to solid state physics Aschcroft Mermin Oxford master...
kittelsolidphysicscharleseditionchapter IntroductiontoSolidStatePhysics,8thEdition CharlesKittel CHAPTER1:CRYSTALSTRUCTURE. PeriodicArrayofAtoms. FundamentalTypesofLattices. IndexSystemforCrystalPlanes. SimpleCrystalStructures. DirectImagingofAtomicStructure. NonidealCrystalStructures. CrystalStructureData. CHAPTER2:WAVEDI...
Introduction to Solid State Physics By Charles KittelLondon : Chapman & Hall Ltd. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp. 617 + xvii. Price 96s. (Second edition.)This is a textbook for university students, covering a representative selection of aspects of the theory of the ... Barr,AE...
01 内容与难度 主要内容:C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th edition Wiley (2005)这本书的前半本。包括晶体学、倒易点阵、晶体键合、声子、自由费米气、能带、半导体晶体这几部分。 难度:上课绝大部分内容和书上相同,ppt也有很多书上的原图,教授会现场进行一些理论推导。各个板块最终都会落实到...
The plane (100) is normal to the x axis. It intercepts the a' axis at at ; therefore the indices referred to the primitive axes are (101). Similarly, the plane (001) will have indices (011) when referred to primitive axes. 3. The central dot of the four is at distance cos60actn...