11. People often mistake some man-made objects such as a kite or a balloon for a UFO. 人们常常把一些人造的物体,诸如风筝、气球错认成飞碟。 12. People often mistake some man-made objects such as a kite or a balloon for UFOs. 人们常常把诸如风筝或气球之类的人造物体误认为是不明飞行物。
...?你是哪里的人?’他回答说:‘我是埃及的少年人,是亚玛力人(Amalekite)的奴仆。因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇弃了。1… www.pcchong.com|基于7个网页 2. 亚摩利人 基尼人居住在以色列人、亚摩利人(Amalekite)和迦南人中间,显然逐渐同化於以色列人的犹大支派,一部分思想保守的人保留 … ...
1. increase the amount (of a check) fraudulently; "Hekitedmany checks" 2. get credit or money by using a bad check; "The businessmankitedmillions of dollars" 3. soar or fly like a kite; "The pilotkitedfor a long time over the mountains" ...
He said it fondly, like a man telling of a great party he’d attended. “We left the bodies in the streets, and if their families tried to sneak out to drag them back into their homes, we’d shoot them too. We left them in the streets for days. We left them for the dogs. ...
kite- plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page...
The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir, the privileged son of a wealthy businessman in Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father's servant. As children in the relatively stable Afghanistan of the early 1970s, the boys are inseparable. They spend idyllic days running kites and telling...
He leaned toward me, like a man about to share a great secret. “You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘liberating’ until you’ve done that, stood in a roomful of targets, let the bullets fly, free of guilt and remorse, knowing you are virtuous, good, and decent. Knowing you...
parents by a disillusioned coroner to be the ultimate justice for men who elude the law. But her caretaker may be no better than those he hires her out to kill, and when she meets a young man in the same situation as her, she starts thinking about a normal life for the first time....
还觉得不够好么.十几分钟前就问过了吧?kite player.She said his husband was like a kite and she was like the kite player.她说,他丈夫就像一只风筝,而她就像放风筝的人。
根据下文“A kite’s color and movements were like words”可知,风筝的颜色和行动轨迹都像是词汇,所以可以用来传送信息。故选B。 (2)题详解: 句意:你可能会对风筝帮助人们的方式感到惊讶。 excited感到兴奋的;confused感到困惑的;surprised感到惊讶的。根据下文“You know some people flew kites to talk. ...