Trusted Waterloo Realtors ready to help you buy and sell in the fast-paced Waterloo and Kitchener housing and condo market.
Contact Simone de Lima and Dwayne Sewers for all of your real estate needs. Serving Kitchener, Waterloo Area Real Estate, residential, condominiums, new contruction.
Contact Bill O'Neill for all of your real estate needs. Servicing Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo real estate. Specializing in residential, new homes, multi-family, commercial, condos, land
Find houses for sale in Kitchener-Waterloo. View the latest real estate listings and homes for sale in Kitchener, Waterloo, and surrounding areas in Ontario.
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#stationpark #downtownkitchener #waterlooregion #l A BIG CONGRATS to my first time home buyers on the Starting the weekend right!!! CONGRATULATIONS to m LEASED LEASED LEASED…congratulations to my #inve #SOLD #soldbyraj 2 DAYS on market SOLD FIRM ABOVE ...
Real Estate Sales in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph and surrounding areas. Buy, Sell, and Invest with Tyler Jacques Real Estate Services
以后从Kitchener-Waterloo 到达皮尔森机场仅需32分钟,到达多伦多市中心仅需48分钟。 在上图中,金色的节点是政府准备打造的城市发展中心。细长的红线是正在运行的Go Train通勤火车。大家看滑铁卢地区,滑铁卢和Kitchener两个点都亮了! 最近,Kitchener-Waterloo 被REIN (Real Estate Investment Network)评为安省最具房地产投...
Kitchener-Waterloo 被REIN (Real Estate Investment Network)评为安省最具房地产投资潜力的城市第二名 Kitchener-Waterloo作为安大略第四大人口城市,也是人口增长最快之一的城市.该地区人口数将从现在的568,500到2031年增长至742,000. 安省计划兴建的高速铁路已得到落实,这条高铁将贯穿最西边的温莎,到伦敦,滑铁卢地区,...
to ensure that all of your Real Estate needs are met. My experiences in Sales and Customer Service in the Kitchener/Waterloo, South Western Ontario and GTA region, have provided me with an extensive skill set. These skills will allow me to assist you in achieving your Real Estate Goals. ...