Mix, whip, beat & make with the iconic KitchenAid®stand mixer—designed in various colors, sizes & styles to elevate your kitchen and recipes. #1 Mixer Brand in the World* *Source: Euromonitor International Limited; based on custom research conducted October 2023 for value sales (in USD) ...
Continue Shopping STAND MIXERS MORE THAN A MIXER. Boldly designed to unlock possibilities – in a range of colors as unique as you. EXPLORE ALL MIXERS KITCHENAID STAND MIXERS AND ATTACHMENTS FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO MAKE Make the KitchenAid Stand Mixer the culinary center of your kitchen. Our...
From the iconic stand mixer to innovative appliances, KitchenAid brand’s appliance suites are designed to unlock potential. Make a meal – and a statement – with our major and small kitchen appliances. Since 1919 we’ve been bringing culinary inspiration to life, ensuring that anything you want...
PREMIUM KITCHEN APPLIANCES FROM KITCHENAID From the iconic stand mixer to innovative appliances, KitchenAid brand’s appliance suites are designed to unlock potential. Make a meal – and a statement – with our major and small kitchen appliances. Since 1919 we’ve been bringing culinary inspiration ...
立式搅拌器mixer,中文翻译为一个非常形象的名字:厨师机,的确如此,厨师机几乎是西式家庭厨房的必备电器,无论新手还是主厨,都能够轻松运用厨师机和一系列合适的厨师机配件,提高创造力、解放双手、发挥美味的秘密。 购买这台厨师机已经是2014年的事情了,两年前我买厨师机的时候,国内使用厨师机的很不普及,渠道非常少,自...
vitage KitchenAidStandMixer👇 KitchenAid today👇 原型一直在那里,成为恒久不变的基础 简单又合理的设计,没有太多繁复又莫名其妙的小零件 没有为设计而设计的功能(永远用不到的那种) 它需要的是真正热爱烹饪,希望更精进技巧的人 利用厨师机来提高效率,让厨事生活更聪明更有创意 ...
在“厨房助理调和器”(KitchenAid mixer)的网站上共有50多种颜色、风格各异的各类产品出售,它们能帮你打造出一个有着你 … finance.jrj.com.cn|基于2个网页 3. 食品搅拌机 我还有一件不错的厨房机器,食品搅拌机(KitchenAid Mixer),是十多年前买的。
美国厨宝 5 Quart Flex Edge Beater Blade for KitchenAid Mixer 宁波市河马电器有限公司 7年 回头率: 55.5% 浙江 余姚市 ¥95.00 成交1350台 绞肉机附件 适用美国Kitchenaid搅拌机 配塑料,不锈钢管 余姚市瑞叶电器有限公司 7年 回头率: 45.2% 浙江 余姚市 ¥7.00 成交5436台 KitchenAid W104906...
KitchenAid Refurbished 7 Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer $349.99 KitchenAid Stand $349.99 KitchenAid KSM150PSMC 4.7 $410.00$449.95 KitchenAid KSM70SKXXMH $529.95 KitchenAid Deluxe KSM97SL 5.0 $399.99 KitchenAid Artisan KSM150PSBK $379.95 KitchenAid Artisan KSM150FEER $479.95 KitchenAid Commerci...
KitchenAid 5KSM70 Mixer 颜色变性零件说明书 MIXER MODELS:5KSM70SHXEAC0(Almond Cream)5KSM70SHXEBK0(Cast Iron Black)5KSM70SHXEBM0(Black Matte)5KSM70SHXECA0(Candy Apple Red) 5KSM70SHXECU0(Contour Silver)5KSM70SHXEDR0(Matte Dried Rose) 5KSM70SHXEER0(Empire Red)5KSM70SHXEMS0(Medallion Sil...