Storyline:The kitchen sink and the bathtub in Victoria's apartment are clogged.She calls Margaret,the apartment manager for help,but Margaret doesn't seem to care... Victoria:Hello, Margaret, I guess my kitchen sink is clogged up again, and so is the bathtub. 你好,玛格丽特,我想我的厨房下...
Day 104 (常速跟读) 'My kitchen sink is clogged up again 3019 2017-03 Day 105 (常速朗读) ‘Let's back up. Where was I' 3912 2017-03 Day 105 (讲解) ‘Let's back up. Where was I 3925 2017-03 Day 105 (单词跟读) ‘Let's back up. Where was I ...
The kitchen sink is clogged up. 厨房水槽堵了。 There's a new kitchen knife in the drawer. 抽屉里有一把新厨刀。 The kitchen door needs to be repaired. 厨房门需要修理。 名著小说中含有该的句子: 出处:《傲慢与偏见》(Jane Austen) 句子:"The kitchen was large, and well arranged, with a goo...
Day 104 (讲解) 'My kitchen sink is clogged up again 2017-03-22 18:11:4229:055134 所属专辑:新东方李延隆英语口语课:一天一点,口语不难 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 168喜点 喜欢下载分享 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户
Day 104 (讲解) 'My kitchen sink is clogged up again 倍速播放下载收听 00:0029:05 打开APP,完整收听已付费的会员,请添加李老师的微信:liyanlong06,并发送已购本专辑截图、对本专辑评价的截图(欢迎听众朋友热心评价),即可加入“喜马拉雅会员群”,获赠本月课程PDF文档(手机阅读版和电脑打印版)。 本专辑为“一...
Don’t you hate it when your kitchen sink clogs up, just a few weeks after unclogging it? That’s what you get when you keep hurling the wrong stuff down your kitchen sink. Clogged sinks are not only annoying but also expensive. The average cost of hiring a professional plumber to unclo...
Q:Thekitchensink is clogged.是什麼意思 A:this means that the sink is blocked with something that is stuck in the way. 查看更多回答 Q:I went into thekitchenfor washing the dishes.是什麼意思 A:"To wash" makes it sound like that's the reason why you're going to thekitchen. "For was...
It stays and hardens over time, creating a blockage that causes your sink to become clogged. Since the viscosity of grease and oil is much more than water, it makes sense that this thickness would cause a buildup. Calling aplumberin these tough times may be the best solution. If you hav...
To start, drop about one cup of baking soda down the sink. Follow this up with one cup of white vinegar and then let it do its magic for at least an hour. Rinse with boiling water and test the sink by running the tap. If the drainage still looks clogged, repeat the process until ...
fill the sink with water (if it isn’t already filled), then work the plunger down and up several times before quickly pulling it off the drain opening. If you have a double-bowl kitchen sink, stuff a wet rag into the drain opening that isn’t clogged (this will help with suction)....