(5-Ethinyl-2´-Desoxyuridin) ist ein Thymidin-Analogon, das während der aktiven DNA-Synthese in die DNA eingebaut wird. Die Erkennung beruht auf Klick-Chemie, einer Kupfer-katalysierten kovalenten Reaktion zwischen einem Azid und einem Alkin. In dieser Anwendung befindet sich das Alkin...
He told me that he had tried to do this before and the repair lasted as long as his pants. 3 replies skrubol14 years ago I've repaired several pairs of work pants (for painting, changing oil, or something else really messy) with duck tape to get one or 2 more uses out of them ...
The only race that Ahmad insulted is Malay. Malay need a better leader than that to bring them to the next level of the world stage. If Malay follow Ahmad they might just as well turn back the clock to 1960 because that is he will lead them to. If I am busin...