The brand Kit Kat is recognized as one of the leading brands in the FMCG industry today, and it symbolizes the trust of our customers. We feel highly contented that it is overwhelmingly accepted and recognized by our valued customers as a trustworthy brand. The trust of our customers in our...
Godfather, Can you come out with something more convincing than mere labelling eg MCA plant, Islamophobia etc? It is not necessary for me to say more. What you said is self explanatory to all of your state of mind. You are welcomed to carry on and spew more of what’s on your mind....
1. Carry your lens with you everywhere One of the best things about using a kit lens is its portability – and that’s why I encourage you to carry your kit lens with you everywhere you go. After all, you never know when inspiration might strike or when you’ll stumble upon an incred...
转发微博【转发】@KITKAT日本:KitKat超话 #去日本买什么# 人气抹茶?机场限定?地区特产?还是新发售的夏季限定口味?短短45年内,日本KITKAT共推出370多种口味,怪不得全世界的游客大家都在买着当伴手...
The BN Govn. always ask the consumers i.e. rakyat in general to think first whether it is a need or it is a want when buying something in order to avoid high inflation, I wonder whether they ask the same question whenever they buy something (a jet for AAB? or carry out any mega ...
Come off it, fellas. That song on TV – something about ‘Malaysia Gemilang’ was totally out of place. It makes me squirm to think that a couple of Malaysians who received training over a few months to be cosmonauts because the nation exchanged cash for some weaponry for seats on the...