Das ProcartaPlex Simplex-Kit VCAM-1 (Mensch) misst das VCAM-1-Protein und ist so konzipiert, dass es mit anderen Simplex-Kits kombiniert werden kann, sodass Sie Ihr eigenes Multiplex-Panel erstellen können, das die Luminex xMAP Technologie für die Proteindetektion/Quantifizierung nutzt. ...
When combining multiple Simplex kits (i.e., when you are not using a pre-configured Multiplex Panel), only one buffer kit (sold separately) is needed for each assay plate regardless of plex size. About ProcartaPlex Assays for the Luminex Platform ProcartaPlex immunoassays are based on the ...
(G) Box plot showing Kit as a downregulated DEG induced by Foxa2 knockdown (p < 0.05 represents significant difference, n = 3 mice). Wald test implanted in the DESeq2 R package. The box plot represents the IQR divided by the median. The whisker represents the minimum and maximum values...
The first day of Kit Reed’s advanced fiction class, sitting in the yellow Victorian house I would come to know simply as “Lawn Avenue,” was my first time for so many things. I had never been taught by a professor in her own home, for example, and I remember I couldn’t stop lo...
Tredree R, Beierlein W, Debrix I, Eisert A, Goffredo F, Gòmez de Salazar E, Rambourg P, Saint-Remy JM, Sturm C, Watson N: Evaluating the differences between fibrin sealants: recommendations from an international advisory panel of hospital pharmacists. EJHP Science. 2006, 12: 3-9. Goog...
Working with mouse cells, a team led by Annarosa Leri used single cell-based analytical techniques to test whether all BMCs that express a cell surface marker called c-kit possess the ability to form new heart tissue. They found that these BMCs, despite their shared expression of c-kit, ...
Hasil amplifikasi DNA selanjutnya dianalisis dengan elektroforesis pada gel agarosa 1% dalam larutan penyangga 0.5 × TBE (Tris borat-EDTA) dengan pewarnaan etidium bromida (Maniatis et al. 1982). Pengujian Kisaran Inang Geminivirus Menggunakan Kutukebul Tembakau Bibit tanaman uji berasal dari...
(Figure 1f, v–vi) and mast cell protease 8 (Mcpt8; Figure 1f, vii–viii, and Supplementary Figure 2a), Cell Death and Disease while the percentage of uterine MCs expressing Mcpt5 oscillated between 5–20%, as shown using isolated uterine cells from Mcpt5-Cre ROSA26 EYFP mice (C57...
infiltration (arrow) detected in the submucosa (Figure 3f). The group of rats with ethanol-induced ulcers treated with CHCl3extract showed the best result, with no histopathological alteration in the mucosa (mu), submucosa (subm), muscularis (mus), and serosa (s) as recorded in (Figure 3g...
17 48 FORMULA 1 HEINEKEN GRANDE PRÉMIO DE PORTUGAL 2020 PORTIMAO Date 23 – 25 Oct Race distance Circuit length 4.653 km Number of laps 306.826 km 66 The Autodromo Internacional do Algarve, known more colloquially as Portimao Circuit, is located half na hour outside Portimao at the Algarve....