The best placed African language, as this paper will demonstrate, is Kiswahili. Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa Vol. 1 (2) 2009: pp. 143-150doi:10.4314/jolte.v1i2.41779SJ KamauJournal of Language Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa...
By focusing on two Kiswahili dialects (Kiamu and Kimvita) and using a quantitative language use and attitude analysis, this paper observes that Kiswahili dialects are threatened with extinction not only, ironically, by the onslaught of standard Kiswahili, but also from other dominant languages such...
swali=kiswahili(alanguagewhichspeakinmiddleoftheAfrica)Swahili斯瓦希里人[语]kilam=笔mambo(poa)=Hellokwaheri=ByeRafiki=Friendkaratasi=paper ..
This paper is therefore a largely descriptive comparative study, which investigates the applicative construction and object symmetry in two Bantu languages from different families, Kiswahili (Nairobi dialect) from Bantu (G40) and Maragoli from Bantu (J30). Based on the results of several syntactic ...
This paper discusses the effects of 'Sheng' in the education institutions of Kenya, and gives a general overview of its development at the expense of the official languages, that is, Kiswahili and English. While some people have advocated the growth of 'Sheng' as an indication of societal gro...
Tis is the second edition of the Haya–English–Swahili Dictionary (Ikaningambo) Contains information on the Haya ethnic community, including language vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, customs, history and counting. It provides definitions and examples in both English and Kiswahili, morphological analys...
The paper explores language related provisions included in Kenya's new Constitution adopted into law in August 2010. In the introduction, a brief note on Kenya's current language situation is offered and the concept of language planning ... King'ei, Kitula - 《Kiswahili》 被引量: 0发表: ...
Elsevier's dictionary of the world's game and wildlife : in English, Latin, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish with equivalents in Afrikaans and Kiswahili, with thirteen original drawings by the author compiled by Guy Ferlin Elsevier, 1989 关键词: ANIMAL SALVAJE, GAME, FAUNA, FAUNE, ANIMALES...
The paper examines English and Kiswahili Code-switching (CS) in Kiss Fm and Easy Fm radio stations in Kenya.CS is a recently formed practice in Fm stations in Kenya. Liberalization of the air waves led to a shift in the language of broadcasting among the Fm anchors unlike the previous ...
In this paper, we shall argue that the Kiswahili mouthed KSL signs are an outcome of contact between KSL – Kiswahili bilinguals and their hearing Kiswahili bilingual counterparts. Following Valli and Lucas (1996). We will further argue that there are no contact signs in a situation where a ...