Kistka,特别是当提到“Electro-Kistka for EggBot”时,它指的是一个专为EggBot设计的配件。EggBot是一款能够自动化地在鸡蛋表面进行绘图的设备,而Kistka则是这一过程中的关键工具,它使得用户能够在鸡蛋上绘制出精美的蜡染图案。这种图案通常与复活节等节日相关联,具有深厚的文化意义和艺术价值。 二...
“kistka pen”的翻译是“用于在彩蛋上绘制图案的工具”。 接下来,我将详细解释这个翻译: 一、“kistka”的含义 “kistka”一词本身可能并不为大众所熟知,它实际上是一个专业术语,特指在彩蛋绘制领域中使用的一种工具。这种工具在彩蛋艺术中扮演着至关重要的角色,是艺术家们用来...
Kistka Jump to:navigation,search This wiki page is part of the documentation for The Original Egg-Bot. Click hereto return to the Egg-Bot overview. This page is the central documentation site about theEggbotElectro-Kistka. Main details about the EggBot Electro-Kistka:...
必应词典为您提供kistka的释义,网络释义: 斯特卡;铁笔;
Let’s go back a few steps. Last springwe introducedourElectro-Kistka for EggBot. Akistkais a hot-wax pen used in the traditional wax-resist and dye (batik) method to produce colorful eggs in the fashion of Ukranianpysanky, and this one is designed to work with a computer-controlled Eg...
Almost Electric Kistka Almost Electric Kistka Filter by Sort by Copy of Hot Tipz Kistka - Extra Heavy Regular price $12.50 Item # PS474 Hot Tipz Kistka - Heavy Regular price $12.50 Item # PS473 View Yevshan Catalogs & Gift Ideas For Women For Men For Wedding - Shower For Christeni...
The Electro-Kistka for EggBot is a compactkistka— a hot wax dispensing pen — designed to work with theEggBot. With it, you can use the traditional wax-resist and dye (batik) method to produce stunning colorful eggs in the same fashion as Ukranian pysanky eggs. ...
Low Cost Electric Kistka (Melted Crayon Pen): I've seen and am aware of a couple of cool art forms using wax Batik - an Indonesian material, where wax is places on the material and then dyed and the wax prevents the areas from absorbing the dye Pys
Make a Kistka for Wax Resist Egg Dyeing!: Needing a spring project for my middle school Art class, I discovered the Pysanky, a traditional Ukranian Easter egg decorated using a wax resist method. My classes were rather large, so I needed several kistka,
I came up with an alternative method. Disclaimer; I don't have the 'Kistka kit" (yet) - Egg used in illustration is 'plotted' with pens. 1. Place the egg in a small zip-lock bag ( I used a 3x4" or 7.6x10.0 cm approx.) ...