subtropical riverOver the past decade, restoration of the Kissimmee River in central Florida has received considerable attention from local, state, national, and international media. In terms of areal extent, project cost, and ecological evaluation it is one of the largest and most comprehensive ...
River RestorationThe Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) code was applied to simulate the hydrodynamic conditions along a stretch of the Kissimmee River in an effort to determine the impacts associated with possible system restoration alternatives. The Kissimmee River Basin flood control project, completed in 1971...
Noun1.Kissimmee River- a river of central Florida that flows southward to Lake Okeechobee Kissimmee Everglade State,FL,Florida,Sunshine State- a state in southeastern United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War ...
Interim Responses of Littoral River Channel Vegetation to Reestablished Flow after Phase I of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project Measurements of littoral vegetation stands and species-level surveys of associated plant communities were made in channels of the Kissimmee River from 1998... SG Bousquin...
“By midday, the Coomera River had risen to 8.5 metres in that area. That’s a good 2.5 metres above its highest flood level, which is six metres.” Source: ...
KISSIMMEE RIVER RESTORATION PROJECT FACT AND TOUR SHEETProject, South FloridaKissimmee, LakesPartnership, Federalstate
Completed in 2001, Phase I of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project (KRRP) backfilled 12 km of the C-38 flood control canal, restoring flow to over 24 km of historic river channel. The goal of KRRP is reestablishment of ecological integrity to the river/floodplain ecosystem. Ultimately, ...
Restoration EcologyAnderson DH (2014) Interim hydrologic responses to phase I of the Kissimmee River restoration project, Florida. Restoration Ecology, 22, 353-366.Interim Hydrologic Responses to Phase I of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project, Florida[J] . David H. Anderson.Restor Ecol . 2014...
Barrett, Laura;White, Daniel. «The Reconstruction of Nature: Postmodern Ecology and the Kissimmee River Restoration Project». En: Critical Stu- dies, 2001, 22, p. 229-250.Barret, L. and D. White. 2001. `The Reconstruction of Nature: Postmodern Ecology and the Kissimmee River ...