Read the full-text online article and more details about "Comic Tommy's Takin' the KISS on His Wedding Day" - Sunday Mirror (London, England), August 9, 2009Sunday Mirror (London, England)
— KISS (@KISSOnline)August 25, 2016 The new comic book series, Simmons promises, will be a love letter to the fans who’ve stayed with the band for that time — as well as newcomers who’ve never read a Kiss comic before. “The wonderful thing about the Dynamite team is that we a...
Read the full-text online article and more details about Billy Connolly's Naked Jig, a French Kiss from Hugh Grant and a Very Bovvered Tony Blair; ...Comic Relief's Most Memorable Moments.Daily Mail (London)
— KISS (@KISSOnline)August 25, 2016 The new comic book series, Simmons promises, will be a love letter to the fans who’ve stayed with the band for that time — as well as newcomers who’ve never read a Kiss comic before. “The wonderful thing about the Dynamite team ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Weekend TV: Comic Stress Relief; Writer Chris Langham Is Back as Nerdy Douglas in Kiss Me Kate" by McMULLEN, Marion - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), May 8, 1999By McMULLEN...