Kiss of Death: Directed by Henry Hathaway. With Victor Mature, Brian Donlevy, Coleen Gray, Richard Widmark. A thief arrested for a jewelry heist initially refuses to give up his accomplices, but he changes his mind after his wife dies under mysterious ci
Kiss of Death(1947) I wouldn't give you the skin off a grape. —Tommy Udo Share Tweet Post More SUPPLEMENTARY:Kiss of Death(1947) end title card Title Designer:uncredited Music:David Buttolph Support Art of the TItle DONATE ON KO-FI ...
Kiss of Death (1947) 99 min-Crime|Drama|Film-Noir|Thriller 123456789107.4/10 A thief arrested for a jewelry heist initially refuses to give up his accomplices, but he changes his mind after his wife dies under mysterious circumstances. ...
上映时间1947年10月13日(瑞典) 导 演亨利·哈撒韦 又 名龙争虎斗 Kiss of Death 编剧Ben HechtCharles Le... 主 演维克多·迈彻布莱恩·唐莱维柯琳·格蕾理查德·韦德马克Taylor Holmes 剧情 Small-time crook Nick Bianco gets caught in a jewel heist and despite urgings from well-meaning district attorney...
Kiss of Death (1947) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
The film begins, as it ends, with narration by Nettie (Coleen Gray). On Christmas Eve, down-on-his-luck Nick Bianco (Victor Mature), an ex-convict, and his three cohorts rob a jewelry store located on an upper floor of a New York skyscraper. Before they can exit the building, howeve...
Kiss of Death is a 1947 film noir movie directed by Henry Hathaway and written by Ben Hecht and Charles Lederer from a story by Eleazar Lipsky. The story revolves around the story of the film's protagonist and antagonist (played by Victor Mature and Richard Widmark respectively). The movie...
s efforts to have one root for the hero over Udo during their climactic showdown. Hathaway’s noir may pretend otherwise, but to use its villain’s vernacular, it’s the towering yet spineless Nick that’s a “squirt” and the insanely giggling Udo that’sKiss of Death’s genuine “big...
Suite - Kiss of Death, 1947 (Remastered 2024) David Buttolph专辑:Best Film-Noir Music of the 1940s Vol.2 - Remastered 2024流派:古典 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:David Buttolph 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 When Johnny Comes Marching Home (Orchestral)David Buttolph Lorena (From "Les cavaliers")Da...
Kiss of Death: Regia di Christian Sesma. Con Sheila Leason, Kevin Blake Chandler, Dontelle Jackson, Kyle Kankonde. When forced to take out a notorious crime boss, Mykah Jones, a devoted wife, mother, and secret hit woman will do anything in her power to