Kiss Me Deadly: Directed by Robert Aldrich. With Ralph Meeker, Albert Dekker, Paul Stewart, Juano Hernandez. A doomed female hitchhiker pulls Mike Hammer into a deadly whirlpool of intrigue, revolving around a mysterious "great whatsit".
Kiss Me Deadly: Directed by Ron Oliver. With Robert Gant, Shannen Doherty, Fraser Brown, John Rhys-Davies. Ex-spy Jacob Keane is drawn back into the shadowy world of international espionage when his former partner Marta reappears after seventeen years, h
又名死亡之吻 Kiss Me Deadly编剧 Mickey Spi...A.I. Bezze...主演 拉尔夫·米克阿尔伯特·德科Paul StewartJuano Hernandez韦斯利·阿迪 剧情 一个漆黑的夜晚,私人侦探迈克在高速公路上遇到一个女孩拦车。这个女孩只穿着一件军用大衣,他把她接上了车。不久,他的车子发生了意外,冲出了路边。他在昏迷之中,听到...
片 名致命亲吻 导 演朗·奥利弗 又 名致命亲吻 Kiss Me Deadly 编剧Frank Card...George Sch... 主 演罗伯特·甘特Fraser Brown莎侬·多赫提约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯Ian Roberts 剧情 前特工雅各布基恩注意回到幽暗世界的国际间谍活动时,他的前合伙人玛尔塔17年后再次出现,她的记忆里抹去,就由一对致命的,心理变态杀手...
Kiss Me Deadly (1955). In: Cyrino, M.S. (eds) Screening Love and Sex in the Ancient World. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOI Publisher NamePalgrave Macmillan, New York Print ...
The article presents criticism on the film "Kiss Me Deadly," directed by Robert Aldrich and starring Ralph Meeker, Maxine Cooper, and Albert Dekker. Particular focus is given to how the film was adapted from a novel by Mickey Spillane. Details relating to the film's plot and production are...
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film by Aldrich [1955]Ask the Chatbot a Question Learn about this topic in these articles: discussed in biography In Robert Aldrich: Early work …prepared critics and moviegoers for Kiss Me Deadly (1955), one of the great film noirs and perhaps the genre’s grittiest. Aldrich’s genius ...
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Define kiss of death. kiss of death synonyms, kiss of death pronunciation, kiss of death translation, English dictionary definition of kiss of death. n. Something that is ultimately ruinous, destructive, or fatal: "Divorce was once a political kiss of de