Kiss x Sis: Mit Ken Takeuchi, Ayana Taketatsu, Yuiko Tatsumi, Michael Tassis Ein Junge aus der Mittelstufe wird durch die anzüglichen Hänseleien seiner älteren Stiefschwestern gequält, die ihn beide lieben.
Nagasumi in Seto no Hanayome has his first kiss with San's bodyguard, Masa[1]- from that point forward cliche anime love theme music plays over a close up of the bodyguard with a background of falling rose petals every time Nagasumi sees him. Mizore's first kiss in Rosario to Vampire...
As they watch the snow fall onto the streets decorated with Christmas lights, Saeki whispers to Shuuichi. Saeki: Shuuichi-sama…. It’s alright if you never come to where I am. I will always go to where you are just like in the past, and will continue to do so in the futu...