The Prosecutor and Kirkland Municipal Court is handled by a private firm that contracts out with the City of Kirkland to provide prosecution services. The Prosecutors have a reputation for being very tough on DUI crimes, however, I have found them to be very pleasant to work with and more th...
"The New Bankruptcy Code - A Solution In Search of a Problem," Navigant Consulting Legal Roundtable, November 18, 2005, Chicago, Illinois. "The Purpose, Role & Importance of Restructurings in Corporate America," Cardozo School of Law Fall Symposium: Perspectives on Corporate Restructurings, Novemb...
In January 2021, EPA's replacement rule for the Clean Power Plan, the Affordable Clean Energy Rule (2019), was vacated and remanded to the EPA by a federal court, leaving the EPA to reassess the national approach to regulating GHG emissions in the power sector. It appears likely, ho...