Jobs In Kirkland Lake lists hundreds of current, regional job opportunities for full-time, part-time, casual and seasonal employment in Northern Ontario.
Reports on the hiring of a company doctor as an incentive to attract and retain highly skilled employees by Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. in Ontario. Benefit package of the company for the doctor; Arrangements made by the company with the hospital and other community constituents within their area; ...
GALLERY: Night of 1sts in Gold Miners victory over Eagles GALLERY: Blind River collects road win in Kirkland Lake NOJHL names its BrokerLink Insurance 3 Stars of the Week OTHER RECENT NEWS GALLERY: Gold Miners surprise Eagles January 18, 2025 ...
Kirkland Lake Gold operates as a gold mining company. It is engaged in the mining and exploration of gold and is also focused on the acquisition, development, and exploration of gold mining projects. The company was founded in 1983 and is based in Toronto, Canada. ...
2 Team Members Kirkland Lake Goldhas2executives.Kirkland Lake Gold'sfounder is Brian Hinchcliffe.Kirkland Lake Gold'sis. Name Work History Title Status Brian Hinchcliffe Goldman Sachs Founder Current Subscribe to see more Subscribe to see more ...
的确,作为一种货币或者潜在替代品,黄金跟现金一样,如果只是持有,其自身是不能产生任何价值的。与黄金不同,开采黄金的金矿公司可以将赚到的钱用于扩大开采或者勘探,因而投资好的金矿公司比单纯的持有黄金能获得更大的潜在收益。这篇文章就是介绍一家拥有良好金矿资源和管理团队的金矿公司Kirkland Lake Gold (KL)。
简介:Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. 是一家在加拿大和澳大利亚经营的高级黄金生产商,2020 年生产了 1,369,652 盎司,2021 年的目标产量为 1,300,000 – 1,400,000 盎司。生产概况以三个高质量的业务为基础,包括位于加拿大安大略省北部的 Macassa 矿和 Detour Lake 矿以及位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的 Fosterville 矿。所...
1月28日,Kirkland Lake Gold和Detour Gold两家公司的股东批准了前者对后者的收购方案,该收购价值约44亿加元(33.5亿美元),两家公司合并将产生一个年产160万盎司的黄金巨头公司,向全球前十黄金生产商发起冲击。 Kirkland Lake Gold总部位于加拿大,三座运营中矿山为澳大利亚维多利亚州的Fosterville金矿,以及加拿大安大略省北...
Kirkland Lake Discoveries consolidated the largest wholly owned land package in the Kirkland Lake gold camp | Many multi-ounce mineralized showings, four past-producing mines and hundreds of kilometers of structures to be explored with favourable geologi
Kirkland Lake Gold will acquire Australian junior miner Newmarket Gold in a share exchange worth $ 1 billion, the company announced on Sept. 29. The combined company, which will retain Kirkland Lake's name, will produce about 500,000 ounces of gold each year and have a market cap of about...