Bison Kiridashi:纤薄易携带的 EDC 口袋小刀!无论是户外爱好者,还是经验丰富的探险家,都不会拒绝精心制作的 EDC 工具,就像这款名为 “Bison Kiridashi Pocket Knife” 的口袋小折刀,不费吹灰之力,就自然融合一款优质 EDC 该有的机能、风格和工艺。灵感源自日本 Kiridashi 刀,紧凑而坚固的 Bison Kiridashi 由手工...
The kiridashi is a centuries-old fixed blade with an angular design from Japan. Almost resembling an Xacto knife, the kiridashi was essentially the EDC of the Japanese people, being used for everything from carving to opening boxes. Cold Steel took the concept of the fixed-blade utility knife...