Data were analysed under the major theme of ownership, and were grouped into the four sub-themes of: local responses to inclusive education initiatives; support for inclusive education principles; local attitudes regarding the contribution of Australian Aid; and, sustainability with or without aid ...
Foreign aid and inclusive education in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati: a question of ownershipdoi:10.1080/13603116.2018.1514760Rodney YatesSuzanne CarringtonJenna Gillett-SwanHitendra PillayRoutledge
The results indicate that the catalyst for inclusive education initiatives has been Australian aid highlighting a social justice issue, namely the exclusion of children with disabilities from school programs. Australian aid has shaped policy, funded inclusive education initiatives, and directly managed the...
Gender inclusive activities are needed to explore and build roles that are sustainable for women and their families. Such understanding can inform the development of targeted support and engagement of women in creating new short supply chains to generate income, encourage sustainable diets, and promote...