Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards[] The Moonwalk[] This glitch can be performed when playing the game on the Virtual Console using a controller with both an analog stick and a +Control Pad. Simply push the left on the +Control Pad while simultaneously pushing the analog stick right. When using...
Stump Stumpf ist der einfachste und meistens der erste Endgegner in fast allen Kirby-Spielen, in Kirby und die Wundersame Spiegelwelt und Kirby Triple Deluxe wird er durch König Gragant bzw. Blumenblütenbaum ersetzt, in Kirby: Mausattacke taucht er n
Maiga is an enemy in the Kirby series, debuting in Kirby: Squeak Squad. It cannot be inhaled. Maiga resembles a green blob of slime. It has beady eyes and small ear-like protrusions on top of its head. Maiga slowly bounces around the stage, occasionally
While the pink puff may not have undergone a metamorphosis as drastic as some of his Nintendo counterparts, that by no means takes away from the quality of this 2000 title, with Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards arguably being up there with Kirby's more impressive showings. The 2.5D visuals ...
Whispy Woods is a recurring boss in the Kirby series. The forest king first appeared in Kirby's Dream Land and is a giant apple tree with a face and a branch-like nose. He attacks by making apples fall on Kirby, blowing air puffs, and occasionally shooti
Kirby is an inhabitant of Planet Popstar and the protagonist of the Kirby series. He lives in the kingdom of Dream Land, which is ruled by the series' main antagonist, King Dedede. On his adventures, he runs into many other characters, such as the...
While the pink puff may not have undergone a metamorphosis as drastic as some of his Nintendo counterparts, that by no means takes away from the quality of this 2000 title, with Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards arguably being up there with Kirby's more impressive showings. The 2.5D visuals ...
星之卡比64 音乐 波普之星(BGM)|波纹之星:关卡选择|工厂参观|奇迹物质(BGM)|魔王(星之卡比64)|以零二为目标 卡比飞天赛车 音乐 飞天赛车模式:梦幻草地|飞天赛车模式:天空峡谷|飞天赛车模式:扬尘沙漠|飞天赛车模式:冰冻山坡|飞天赛车模式:岩浆涌动|飞天赛车模式:方格骑士|城市对决:街道|传说的飞天赛车 镜之大迷宫...
Kirby is a starter character in Super Smash Bros. He is known for being a small, light character with quick and often surprisingly long ranged attacks, as well as surprisingly strong moves and a great recovery. He is voiced by Makiko Ōmoto, who...
Special Agent Kirby Reed is the sole teenage survivor of the Second Woodsboro Murders (2011), known as the "Woodsboro Massacre Remake", the highest body count and most violent massacre of all Ghostface killing sprees. She is also an investigator, attempt