3DS《毛线卡比Plus Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn》美版英文CIA下载,毛线卡比Plus Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn是一款动作游戏,游戏体验极佳,上手难度亲民,给您极致的快乐,还有更多内容等你来发现。 《Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn》是由HAL Laboratory开发的一款平台冒险游戏,最早于2010年在任天堂Wii上发行。这是《Kirby》系列的...
3DS《毛线卡比Plus Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn》中文版cia下载,这一次我们可爱的星之卡比变成了毛线玩具的样子,不仅如此 游戏中所有的角色以及场景都是以毛线的状态呈现出来的哦。 英文名称:Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn / Keito no Kirby Plus 游戏原名:毛糸のカービィ プラス 游戏语言:中文 游戏版本:汉化版【3ds...
Nintendo’s official home for Kirby. Games, videos, and more. Find out all about Kirby and friends.
Join Kirby on a whimsical quest to save Patch Land in Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn, only forNintendo 3DS family systems! Use our hero’s new-found yarn powers and enjoy a relaxing adventure through a fantastical patchwork world, made of different fabrics. ...
The 2011 Wii game, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, is warping to Nintendo 3DS family systems as Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn! In Patch Land, practically everything, from enemies to obstacles to who knows what else, is entirely made of yarn – even robots! And to beat courses made of yarn, you've go...
© 2019 Nintendo Developed by Good-Feel. © 2019 HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Nintendo. Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo. Mild Cartoon Violence * The content on this website is provided to you for your personal use only. ...
The article reviews the video game Epic Yarn developed by Kirby Co.flandershlApcHAL LABORATORY, GOOD-FEEL. 2011. Kirby's Epic Yarn. Nintendo Wii: Nintendo.
发布者:邹树人分类:广告片综合评分:9.1分 Richard Hickey Kirby Epic Yarn其他欧美品牌形象 1430赞104分享 收藏 Kirby Epic Yarn星之卡比 《游戏篇》 推荐视频 宜家品牌理念微电影part 1.05'02 Constructign Bacon's -《温馨篇》- 想象影像 Imagelephant制作03'49 ...
As brief as the 3DS showcase was in the latest Nintendo Direct broadcast, there were still a number of new announcements. Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn –a remake of the charming Wii game from 2010 – was one of them. Due out in 2019 for 3DS, all was rosy until a listing on ...
Kirby's Epic Yarn Consola:Wii,Wii UFecha de lanzamiento: 25-02-2011 Aviso importante A partir del 27 de marzo de 2023, no se podrá comprar en Nintendo eShop para Wii U ni para las consolas de la familia Nintendo 3DS. Para obtener más información, visitad nuestra sección de atención...