KIRAKIRA 1PAGE 東京ゲゲゲイ的歌曲《KIRAKIRA 1PAGE》是日本组合東京ゲゲゲイ演唱的歌曲,以充满力量感的编舞与诗意化歌词为特色。歌曲通过“力量与美感兼具的原创手舞”等意象,展现战斗场景与情感交织的叙事;歌词中“泪水的花瓣飘落随风飞舞空中”等比喻,强化了悲壮与唯美并存的视觉画面。其核心主题围绕“保护最重要...
The left side of every spread is empty, so that you don't mess up a page if you use markers that bleed through the pages. It's printed on thick paper, which is actually the same paper that I use for my Artsy Cats Sketchbooks! So it feels just like coloring in my sketchbook - ...
转+关,随机抽3位各送1⃣0⃣0⃣元餐卡请吃麦!#麦当劳大堡口福三件套##脆薯饼上线随心配白区# O抽奖详情 11108 4442 ñ5001 2月12日 10:00 来自微博网页版 已编辑 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 闪闪红星kirakira 2月12日 11:41 来自iPhone客户端...
lastSettingPage = settingPageId; return; } if (routeSlug[0] === "video") { const checkKvidResult = await checkKvid(routeSlug[1]); if (checkKvidResult === true) { if (!routeSlug[1] || routeSlug.length >= 3 && ! return navigate(`/video/${routeSlug[1]}`); } ...
hpa - 启用页堆(Debug Page Heap),在堆块后增加专门用于检测溢出的栅栏页,若发生堆溢出触及栅栏页便会立刻触发异常。举例:要针对app.exe程序添加堆尾检查功能和页堆,去掉堆标志,可以执行以下命令!gflag -i app.exe +htc +hpa -htg gflags.exe -i app.exe +htc +hpa -htg 1.6...
feat: Add initial judgment(isReady) to app and page Playwright Tests #326: Pull request #127 opened by kirakiray is-ready February 5, 2024 14:05 3m 7s fix: issuse about watchUntil (#126) Playwright Tests #325: Commit 233baa5 pushed by kirakiray main February 1, 2024 06:54 3m...
10/20 东京新国立剧场 13:00 1枚 û收藏 2 2 ñ赞 c +关注 kirakira_Siz 2024-8-22 22:02 来自微博轻享版 【出】京本大我 ミュージカル モーツァルト!10/26 大阪梅艺 17:30 1枚 û收藏 2 13 ñ7 c +关注 kirakira_Siz ...
- You can create "kirakiragraph" from still image. - Swipe left and right to change effect. - Adjust light with Kirakira power slider. - On the confirmation page, 25 histories are displayed. ( Please check the photo album for the shooting data older than that. ) ...