如何在 kiosk 模式下設定 Windows 裝置的準則。 對於Windows MDM 原則,請使用 kiosk 使用者的網域或本端帳戶: 若要使用 MDM 設定指派的存取權,您必須具有使用者帳戶: 網域使用者帳戶或本端使用者帳戶。 使用者帳戶必須已登入至少一次,您才能設定已指派的存取權,否則該帳戶將沒有可用的應用程式。
Windows IoT Enterprise allows you to build fixed purpose devices such as ATM machines, point-of-sale terminals, medical devices, digital signs, or kiosks. Kiosk mode helps you create a dedicated and locked down user experience on these fixed purpose devices. Windows IoT Enterprise offers a set ...
受指派的存取權擁有一個設定 (KioskModeApp)。在 KioskModeApp 設定中,您會輸入使用者帳戶名稱,以及適用於要在 kiosk 模式中執行之 App 的 AUMID。 了解如何取得 AUMID。 請參閱適用於受指派的存取權設定服務提供者的技術參考。 使用Windows 映像處理與設定設計工具 (ICD) 設定指派存取 ...
A common application of kiosk mode is to lock down a Windows device when it is being used in a public setting. For example, it can be used to lock down a point-of-sale (POS) application to prevent customers or bored employees from shifting out of the application and browsing other apps...
Windows 焦點 Microsoft Store 行動數據設定 Kiosk 和受限制的用戶體驗 概觀 受指派的存取權 什麼是受指派的存取權? 快速入門 使用指派的存取權設定 kiosk 使用受指派的存取權設定受限制的用戶體驗 建立受指派的存取配置檔 參考 殼層啟動程式 建議 受指派的存取權 CSP 🔗 ...
I found a quite good description Set up a kiosk on Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education, but unfortunately it does not applies to Windows Home edition. I was also not able to find hints / best practices for how to use Edge in this context....
However, there is a Kiosk mode in Windows 11 Home. If you decide to upgrade to it, don’t hesitate to use our guide on how todownload or upgrade to Windows 11as a reference. For more information on the differences between Windows 10 and 11, take a look at our post on some of the...
Kiosk modeis a special Windows client lockdown feature used to run only pre-defined (allowlisted) apps in a full-screen mode. All other Windows functionality is locked and unavailable to users. The user cannot run unapproved apps or change system settings. This mode is typically used in self...
\nWith MHS for multi-app kiosk mode on a fully managed device\n \n \n Add public, private, and web-based Managed Google Play applications to the home screen. \n\n ✔ \n\n \n\n ✔ \n\n ✔ \n \n “Lock” user into one applic...
How to set up Kiosk Mode in Windows 11 When you don’t want to use a local user account as a kiosk, then simply turn off or remove the kiosk using the following steps: PressWin+Ihotkey to open the Settings app Click on theAccountscategory ...