You are gay, but just exactly how gay? ⚡ Take the Kinsey Gay Test ⚡ to find your place on Kinsey's Sexuality Rating Scale ☝ Fast and accurate! 尼玛我是无性恋。。。 稍微解释一下,基本信息第三题:What gender do you identify as? 你心理上认为你是甚么性别? 接下来第四题: I wouldn't want to die without having experimented sexually with both men and women.(注意是both) 第六题: The gender composition...
The Kinsey scale was also notable because it presented sexuality as a spectrum, rather than an “either/or.” In his book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Kinsey wrote, “Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into ...
Whatisthe"TheKinseyScale"? HowdoItaketheKinseytest? Arethereotherscalesortests? Copyright©TheKinseyInstitute 0-Exclusivelyheterosexualwithnohomosexual 1-Predominantlyheterosexual,onlyincidentallyhomosexual 2-Predominantlyheterosexual,butmorethanincidentallyhomosexual 3-Equallyheterosexualandhomosexual 4-Predominantlyhomos...
What is "The Kinsey Scale?" The Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, sometimes referred to as the “Kinsey Scale,” was developed by Alfre Kinsey and his colleagues Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin in 1948, in order to account for research findings tha showed people did not fit into neat ...
Kinsey scale, visual model used to describe one’s sexual orientation at a given time, based on responses to statements and questions. The scale ranges from zero to six, zero signifying exclusive heterosexuality and six signifying exclusive homosexuality