or in full Kingston upon Hull ˈkiŋ-stən city and port on the Humber River in eastern England population 242,200 2 former town in southwestern Quebec, Canada, on the Ottawa River Note: Hull is now part of the town of Gatineau. Biographical Definition Hull 1 of 4 biograph...
THE POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL AND THE HUMBERSIDE AREA, 1921–48.HumansDisseminated Intravascular CoagulationAnticoagulantsChromogenic CompoundsSensitivity and SpecificityBlood Coagulation TestsVascular DiseasesDrug MonitoringHeparin, Low-Molecular-Weight...
Population displacement after the 2007 floods in Kingston-upon-Hull, England. J Flood Risk Mgt. 2014;9(2):99-104. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12111.Milojevic A, Kovats S, Leonardi G, Murray V, Nye M, Wilkinson P. Population displacement after the 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, ...