Kingston Upon Hull City Council provisional local transport plan 2000-2005 (bid year 2000/2001)J. North
On 10 February 1929 Charles William was summoned to appear before the council and body of the Quorum of the Seventy. At the meeting, Brigham H. Roberts, who was sent to Idaho Falls to preside over the meeting, charged him with “believing and teaching that the manifesto was a man-made d...
The Kingston-upon-Hull City Council (School Meals) Order 2004doi:2004 No. 592介绍性文本1.引文,毕业典礼,口译,适用和生效2.放松和修改3.预算条例附表2第3段4.(1)预算条例附表3第15(a)段5.FMS条例条例15(7)结束6.附表2至7第1段(c)分段豁免签名解释性说明...
The Kingston upon Hull City Council (Millennium Bridge) Scheme 2000 Confirmation Instrument 2001doi:2001 No. 1546
Inner area programme 1982-85 Kingston upon HullKingston upon Hull City Council (UK)
The Kingston upon Hull City Council (Scale Lane Bridge) Scheme 2008 Confirmation Instrument 2008doi:2008 No. 1373