【Offer展示】金斯顿大学 Kingston University MA Media and Communication 【学校介绍】金斯顿大学(Kingston University),在最新2021年英国《卫报》最佳大学排名中,设计专业排名全英第1,时尚与纺织专业排名全英第3; 艺术设计专业常年位列QS世界大学排名TOP50左右。 【专业介绍】The course nurtures and builds on your ...
策展、展览与活动专业学术要求(BA Creative and Cultural Industries: Curation, Exhibition and Events) 设计市场专业(BA Creative and Cultural Industries: Design Marketing) 3)雅思6.5以上,各单项5.5以上 建筑专业(BA Architecture ) 媒体和传播专业(BA Media & Communication) Part Ⅲ. 申请材料说明 研究生课程: ...
金斯顿校友在Burberry, Calvin Klein, Paul Smith, All Saints, Alexander McQueen, Club Monaco, Margiela and Saint Laurent等品牌都做到了高层的位置,也有许多校友成功地创立了自己的品牌,如Sophie Hulme, Joshua Kane, Charli Cohen and Amy Powney, Mother of Pearl等。 专业的行业连结性还体现在学生在校期间的...
At Kingston we know that protecting your privacy is important, which is why we have written this Privacy Policy to explain when, what, how we collect and use your information, how long we keep your data, with whom we share it with and the steps we take t
All AccountingHealth and MedicineEnvironmental ScienceComputing and ITPerforming Arts and MusicInformation Science and LibrarianshipPolitical and Social SciencesMarketing, Media and CommunicationBusinessEngineeringChemistryBiological and life SciencesTeaching and EducationEconomicsSee all Courses Upcoming events Physical...
Communication and Media Studies Law Other Subjects Allied to Medicine Computer Science Biological Sciences Art and Design Psychology History of Art, Architecture and Design English Education Drama, Dance and Cinematics Building Sociology History Music ...
传达设计:插画研究生 Communication Design Illustration MA 金斯顿艺术学院为插画研究生学习提供了一个充满刺激的环境。学校拥有一些全英最好的结构和视觉过程工作坊,最大化的激发学生的“边动手边思考”创新力。 从属于评价极佳的插画动画部门,传达设计:插画研究生专业以在传达设计语境下发展插画创意职业理解为目的。
in industry. The fully equipped, state-of-the-art facilities include a 3D materials workshop, animation and postproduction studios, architecture studios and workshops, fashion studios, photography workshops, letterpress and printmaking workshop, moving image workshop, hackSpace, and digital media suites...
Radio Kingston is a noncommercial platform dedicated to a vibrant, just and healthy Kingston centered around community storytelling, artistic and musical expression, conversation and connection.
"My aim will be around amplifying the student voice, enhancing communication among staff, students, parents, and the community, and cultivating a strong sense of belonging and school pride. I believe leadership is not a title but constant action, serving our students and their families in this ...