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Introduction of model type of 75mm Australian standards roof insulation EPS sandwich panels for plant/ houses 1,Model type: Basic information: Panel effective width: 950 mm Steel sheet thickness: 0.40 ~ 0.70 mm Panel thickness: 75 mm EPS density: 8 ~ 20 KG...
A lower U-value means that the roof, wall or floor is better insulated and will be more effective at preventing heat loss. It is easier to achieve a low U-value by specifying insulation materials which have low thermal conductivities (also known as lambda values). This may also mean a th...
Insulation boards should be overlaid with a polythene sheet (not less than 250 micron / 1000 gauge), to act as a slip layer and a vapour control layer. Ensure the polythene sheet has 150 mm overlaps, taped at the joints, and is turned up 100 mm at the wa...