Home Kingsage Strategy Play in the era of Kings for free! Learn more Description Your adventure starts off with a small castle, a couple of acres of land and a handful of loyal settlers. Under your leadership however, the settlement will start thriving as a noble town: Build sawmills, sto...
Dans le jeu par navigateur KingsAge, vous partez d'un petit fort pour bâtir un royaume puissant : construisez une multitude de bâtiments, formez des armées et développez de nouvelles technologies. Forgez des alliances et faites preuve d'adresse stratégique pour vaincre vos ennemis et ...
In the browser-based KingsAge game, you build a mighty kingdom from a small castle: Construct a variety of buildings, train armies and research new technologies. Fight your enemies and expand your empire through tactical alliances and skilled warfare. Write your own story as a glorious ruler ...
In the browser-based KingsAge game, you build a mighty kingdom from a small castle: Construct a variety of buildings, train armies and research new technologies. Fight your enemies and expand your empire through tactical alliances and skilled warfare. Write your own story as a glorious ruler ...
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En el juego de navegador KingsAge construirás un poderoso reino desde un pequeño castillo: construye una gran variedad de edificios, forma a tus ejércitos e investiga nuevas tecnologías. Mediante arteras alianzas e iniciativas estratégicas, podrás luchar contra tus enemigos y expandir tu ...
求翻译:KingsAge是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 KingsAge问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 KingsAge 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 kingsage 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 KingsAge 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 KingsAge 匿名 2013-05-23 12:28:18 KingsAge...
Recent Activities SlimShady17 hours ago Wrote a comment onmihaixxl’s wall. Wall Comment I have enough citizens but ı can not produce any army! Why, I do not know..Please help me! mihaixxl22 hours ago Now followsyoysy. Follow
În jocul KingsAge bazat pe browser, construiești un regat puternic dintr-un mic castel: construiești o varietate de clădiri, antrenezi armate și cercetezi noi tehnologii. Luptă cu dușmanii și extinde-ți imperiul prin alianțe tactice și război calificat....
It is the age of knights and castles. This is the era in which swords cross and kings are crowned. Under your leadership, new settlements will be born and will become thriving and prospering villages. Shrewdly watch over your kingdom in the good times...