挪威民谣组合便利之王Kings of Convenience 2024 China Tour -有人去过我们家乡吗?很幽静,多雨,非常适合音乐创作,with broken heart -前排中间的观众愿意站起来吗 -两边的观众愿意站到前面来吗 -楼上的观众...
没有想到从高中喜欢的乐队会有一天能来上海。这次很幸运的随机到了黄金视角,真的是太美妙的一个晚上~本视频是开场第一首曲目,来自他们2021年(大概率是因为covid所以激发了久违的创作灵感)出的最新专辑Peace Or Love里很温柔的一首歌Comb My Hair,之后的几天会陆续上传
No. 3 in Italy, and No. 49 in the UK. Despite rumours that the band were breaking up, Kings of Convenience embarked on a worldwide tour in January
Kings of Convenience will go on their first North American tour in five years, in support of their last album, Declaration of Dependence. The Norwegian duo was set to tour with Franklin For Short this past February, but had to cancel due to illness. Below are the new dates.King of ...
news kings of convenience announce first new album in 12 years, peace or love : listen to new song “rocky trail” by noah yoo april 30, 2021 news photos: roskilde festival [saturday] by pitchfork july 5, 2010 news kings of convenience postpone tour by tom breihan february 12, 2010 news...
Concert Details Kings of Convenience | Live In Singapore Date: 6 March 2023 Time: 8pm Venue: Capitol Theatre Address: 17 Stamford Rd, Singapore 178907 Ticketing Information Tickets available on Sistic Price: SGD99
which tracks they can't stop spinning, what books they can't put down, and what new bands they've caught on tour. This week it's Erlend Øye from Kings of Convenience, who explains why he prefers reading biographies to histories, and how he keeps from being an empty-handed tourist in...
亲爱的kingsofconvenience吧的吧友们:大家好! “hjbvjbgucftvxg”为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准@hjbvjbgucftvxg,为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发...
便利之王 Kings of Convenience的图片综合排序· 按回复排序· 按时间排序 > 添加图片 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 640x640 2回应 640x640 640x640 什么时候出英文版,哪... 1024x768 1024x1022 两人画风……不同……... 640x640 世界各地的Fans录一... 1回应 640x640 Back on tour ...
Kings of Convenience: Toxic Girl: Réalisé par François Nemeta. Avec Eirik Glambek Bøe, Erlend Øye.