increased_republic_obligation_laws_effect increased_theocratic_obligation_laws_effect increased_tribal_obligation_laws_effect Renamed scripted triggers: have_duplicate_goldsmith_artifacts_flag_okay_trigger -> have_duplicate_goldsmith_artifacts_tier_1_trigger ...
Now I just have to sort out some title inheritance issues and try to turn a few more Berber province Mande, and then I'll move the capital to Massat and declare a republic.In the meantime, the Byzantines pulled some crazy shit REALLY early in the game, to where the Emperor and the ...
CBA -- Sun Kings Scorch La Crosse Early -- Big early lead holds up, Yakima ends homestand 3-3DAVE THOMAS YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Although the Sultanate officially became part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, the Palace building complex still serves as a residence for the Sultans and households. His palace which still carries out the activities of the Sultanate Tradition to this day. There is also a part of the ...
Sun Kings -- Rebounding Has Led Sun King Rebound -- After getting pounded on the boards early in the season, Sun Kings lead the league in caromsDAVE THOMAS YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC