For them, the emperor was “their king, the king of the kings of subordinated kingdoms”. Such constructions became a part of the pattern of titles’ formation, and due to the frequent use could develop the meaning of an extreme/high extent of the qualities associated with the notion ...
backbreaking work. Its new custodian must not only find and nurture the native species which will heal its scars, she must also drag herself out of bed each morning, pull on her boots and toil on its
The Crusader kingdoms were a portent of what could happen the next time European power spilled over its borders. As it was, the involvement in the East, military, commercial, and cultural, helped pull Western Europe out of the Dark Ages and back into world history. It also knocked Constantin...
; Jester & Forthwind are only tested on and work for Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition (No wololo-kingdoms, or HD editions sadly). ; I am not currently working on new updates for Forthwind (but may in the future), so for this reason the following below is mostly referring to Jester...