It is one of the famous lions names mentioned in the holy scriptures of Judaism. Is the name Ariella popular? The name Ariella is a girl's name meaning "lion of God". This variation of Ariel, with the extra-feminine suffix, has been on the rise in recent years. It entered theTop 10...
pointed out in papers and lectures that people from the Levant did live in ancient Egypt at different points in Egypt's history. He also noted that the ancient city of Ramesses, mentioned in the exodus stories told in the Hebrew Bible, did exist, and archaeologists have discovered that ...
EXPOSITORY (ENGLISH BIBLE) Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(44) In the days of these kings.—Yet no kings have been mentioned hitherto. They must therefore correspond to the toes of the image. (Comp. Daniel 7:24.) It appears therefore that while this fourth kingdom still contrives...
Or in this realm is He satisfied with being the unknown god of the Athenians? Or was an altar to Him too much? Is the God mentioned on American coinage the God of natural law? 3. As God rules in the civil kingdom as creator and sustainer, does our human disobedience of natural law...
Gath was one of the five major Philistine cities and is frequently mentioned in the context of Israel's enemies. The phrase "go down" may imply a descent not only geographically but also morally or spiritually. Gath's history as a formidable city, often in conflict with Israel, highlights ...
(Edom and Ishmael arementioned together in the phrase “The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites”) thecenturies-old scheme of the four kingdoms was adapted to the permanence ofArab rule and Muslim domination. It was more preferable to envisage a newscenario for world history that assigned to ...