太空版农场模拟《梅林的回声Echoes of the Plum Grove》Little-Known Galaxy 05:37 [新游试玩]于地牢中幸存生存,又一款幸存者-Rogue Citadel 03:00 [新游试玩]国外塔防游戏来袭,这一次是3D-Castles on Cloud-云上城堡 03:17 [新游试玩]化身指挥官,排兵布阵运筹帷幄!-王国战争模拟器 03:34 [新游试玩]两座...
Red = Cities Green = Castles Blue = Villages Factions: Gondor(East), Rohan, Mordor and Isengard Factions: Gondor(East), Umbar, Harad, and Dunland Factions: Lothlorien, Dol Guldur, Orcs of the Misty Mountains and Beornings Factions: Gundabad, Woodland Realm, Dúrin's folk, Rhûn and King...
Buildings:No castles. Modified building times, cots and attributes. Many new buildings (check Changelog for more) Events:All events, known from version 4.0 and 5.0 are implemented + faction specific events for several of the minor factions Ancillaries:For every single province there is a secular ...