Frontiers中..重温了一下第二部,Frontiers, 感觉还是一如既往的好玩,于是也特地找了英雄的台词,当然,塔的也有,不过太多了…在这些英雄中,本人最喜欢的台词是Hallelujah! 不清楚以前有没有人发过类似
致敬铁皮 27395 kingdomrush吧 BounceU Frontiers中的Heroes台词重温了一下第二部,Frontiers, 感觉还是一如既往的好玩,于是也特地找了英雄的台词,当然,塔的也有,不过太多了…在这些英雄中,本人最喜欢的台词是H 分享22赞 kingdomrush吧 john_5240 Kingdom Rush Frontiers 18关战役大法师加刺客过 分享462 kingdom...
《Kingdom Rush Frontiers》是塔防遊戲的代表作之一,考驗玩家調兵操作和隨機應變的能力。 你需要組合不同類型的防禦塔。例如,把軍營搭建在弓塔附近,前者拖延敵軍,後者用來放箭,藉此提升防禦的效率。 除普通防禦塔外,還有「特殊能力」(Special Abilities) 和「英雄」(Heroes) 這兩個祕密武器。
Kingdom Rush Frontiers is a whole new level of the furiously fast, enchantingly charming gameplay that made Kingdom Rush an award-winning Tower Defense hit. Defend exotic lands from dragons, man-eating plants, and ghastly denizens of the underworld -all with flashy towers, levels, heroes, and...
Kingdom Rush FrontiersThe world's most devilishly addictive defense game is back - welcome to Kingdom Rush: Frontiers! Bigger and badder than ever before, Kingdom Rush: Frontiers is a whole new level of the furiously fast, enchantingly charming gameplay that made the original title an award-...
描述 "全球最讓人欲罷不能的防禦遊戲歸來——歡迎來到《王國保衛戰:前線!》 空前盛大激烈的王國保衛戰:「前線」是全新的關卡,帶來迅猛刺激、扣人心弦的玩法,讓這款原創遊戲成為廣受歡迎的獲獎佳作。在這場史詩級的冒險(災難)中,可點擊你的部隊,配合最新的防禦塔、關卡、英雄和更多好東東,守衛異國大陸,抵禦飛龍、...
Defend exotic lands from dragons, man-eating plants, and ghastly denizens of the underworld. Guide your army to victory and vanquish this terrible threat to the kingdom! 16 LEGENDARY HEROES Choose your champion and command them through dangerous lands!
heroes, and more goodies to help you crush your foes to a pulp. (Don't worry, we've still got all the good ol' stuff from the last game, too. It's vintage now.) Kingdom Rush: Frontiers packs in so much content, it's like a fully upgraded artillery blast of mouthwatering, pixela...