of Kerma, there is a gap in the archaeological record until the rise of Napata, so little is known on what happened in the region in the intervening years. It is assumed that the later Kingdom of Kush grew from the Kerma culture as well as being greatly influenced by Egyptian culture. ...
or Kush (kʊʃ, kʌʃ) n. 1.the eldest son of Ham. Gen. 10:6. 2.an area mentioned in the Bible, sometimes identified with Upper Egypt. 3.an ancient kingdom in North Africa, in the region of Nubia. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries...
and regained the region's independence from Egypt. The extent of cultural/political continuity between the Kerma culture and the chronologically succeeding Kingdom of Kush is difficult to determine. The latter polity began to emerge around 1000 BC, 500 years after the end of the Kingdom of Kerma...
The idea was to carry out a significant test of existing theories with a completely independent set of temples not only from the geographical point of view but also because most of them belong to an independent culture, the Kingdom of Kush, heavily influenced by Egyptian schemes and traditions...
Learn about the kingdom of Kush achievements and relocation to Meroe. Explore the government system, economy, innovations, and accomplishments of...
Since then, some have argued that Kush’s history has been overlooked by generations of European and American scholars who promoted the idea that Egypt was part of the origin of Western civilization, while Kush, as an African culture, was excluded. Today, there’s still much to learn about ...
Along the Nile River, in what is now northern Sudan, lay the ancient civilization of Kush. Though they were once conquered by a powerful neighbor, the kings and queens of Kush would go on to successfully challenge two of the most dominant empires in history: the Egyptians and the Romans. ...
The difficulty of dating graffiti boards and the absence of wooden boards in excavations so far prevent conclusions on the presence of African or Nubian games in the Kingdom of Kush. Yet, the complex dispersal of games at the borders of Africa, the Mediterranean and the Near East and the ...
Conquest and contact with Egypt had already shaped Kush culture, though. This second Kingdom of Kush erected pyramids, worshiped many Egyptian gods, and called its rulers Pharaohs, though the art and architecture of Kush retained distinctively Nubian characteristics. Due to this blend of difference...
The History and Origins of the Kingdom of Kush By Alistair Boddy-Evans At the beginning of the Middle Phase about 2000 BC, the capital of Kerma emerged as one of the major economic and political centers in the Nile Valley. This growth was at the same time as the rise of the Kush an ...