In acupuncture, the energy in one’s body can be manipulated by using needles in key parts of the body. This same energy is an important part of dreaming, according to this Chinese philosophy. China (dreams) The mention of dreams in Chinese history dates back over 4,000 years. The ancien...
Eunice Brookman-Amissah (Ghana), Marge Berer (UK), Christina Zampas (Switzerland), Nelly Munyasia (Kenya), Evelyn Odhiambo (Kenya). Will be available in English, Spanish and French. To be held Thursday Sept. 24, 2020 at 15:00-16:30 (British Summer Time). Register for Sept 24. ...
or resistant to, a vaccine for COVID-197, important work is required to begin to understand and address this problem. The importance of identifying, describing, and understanding these individuals as a key preparatory step for vaccine development is further emphasised by the World...