Kingdom of Bronze: Directed by David Collison, Anna Benson Gyles. With David Attenborough. At the turn of the century Europeans refused to believe that the craftsmen of the Nigerian Kingdom of Benin could have made such sophisticated and beautiful bronze
Visit the British Museum to see the famous Benin plaques, or look at the Benin plaques online See artwork and artefacts in the African Worlds gallery at the Horniman Museum in south London The Liverpool Slavery Museum has a gallery about life in West Africa before the arrival of the European...
Byline: Brian SewellTHE KINGDOM OF IFE: SCULPTURES FROM WEST AFRICA British Museum, WC1 IKNEW nothing of the Kingdom of Ife in what is now Western Nigeria, until the British Museum's catalogue of its new exhibition under that title dropped onto my doormat. Of neighbouring Benin and its ...