, the Mushroom Kingdom, most commonly referred to as "Mushroomland," is a central plot point in the show; Mushroomland is apparently under the influence of King Koopa in the show. Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Toadstool spend the bulk of the series' episodes searching for someone or ...
Number of Episodes 70Characters Options ▼ View All Popular Search SMASH Chart Tags Princess Silver CV: Yuka Tokumitsu Prince Cloud 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character Similar You might also like Same Tags Same Season Similar SeriesExtra...
Mark Carliner Productions Sony Pictures Television American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Hospital Productions Janet Yang Productions The Jim Henson Company Initial Release Date:Mar 3, 2004 Number of seasons:1 Season Genres: Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery...
The two even appeared in a number of episodes, setting the stage for their next big break the following year, when they began hosting the morning chat show "Light Lunch" (Channel 4, 1997-98), which was later given a primetime slot and renamed "Late Lunch" (Channel 4, 1998-99). Over...
In their press release, Pierrot Films noted that despite the growth in number of TV anime that are being produced every year (approximately 300 since 2015), there was also a visible demand for higher quality productions from the audiences.Recognizing this need, Pierrot Films and Asahi Production...
I love some of the humor directed at adults just like in Peppa pig but they really should be aware of what kind of content that humor brings about. They really need to have someone check some of their episodes over so that's it's fun for adults and for kids and so that kids are ...
Along the way, they meet a number of allies who help them on their quest. One of their most important allies is Wolf (Scott Cohen), a half-man, half-wolf hybrid who becomes Virginia's love interest. Other notable characters include Prince Wendell (Daniel Lapaine), a handsome but arrogant...
On the other hand, there are a number of episodes over the last three decades when developments in the housing market have either been a cause of, or exacerbated, macroeconomic instability. The challenge is therefore to retain the inherent strength of the current framework, i.e. a strong ...
Weathering a number of problems, Souma more or less finishes dealing with the aftermath of the war. However, he was set upon by an inexplicable anxiety, the distress and pressure only felt by those in authority. It was not something he could bear alone. ...
The storyline is interesting and has a number of fantasy filled subplots. The Trolls were scary and humorous at the same time. The clash of the parallel worlds was done well, with much attention to detail. The different 'kingdoms' were distinguishable and each unique and fantastic. I see ...