Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory is the thirteenth game in the Kingdom Hearts series. It was officially announced in the Kingdom Hearts 2020 trailer on June 16, 2020, and released later that year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch and...
Kingdom Hearts is the first game in the Kingdom Hearts series. Revolving around a fourteen-year-old boy named Sora, it details his adventures after his homeworld is destroyed by sinister creatures known as the Heartless, and his attempts to restore his world and reunite with his friends. He...
Sora is the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series. He is a playable character in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, and Kingdom Hearts III. In Kingdom Hearts 358/2...
GameVortex's review of Kingdom Hearts. When it comes to this review, I'm not sure who is happier. On one hand, I finally played the one game I have wanted more than any other since it was announced at E3 two years ago. On the other, everyone around m
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit] InKingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Sora visits a memory based version of the 100 Acre Woods. The world is reduced to a long path through the woods, with a hollow, overturned log in each end of the map, and some tree stumps along the way. Sora...
|journalUX='''KH Sora A'''<br>KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)<br>A cheerful, energetic little boy who grew up in Destiny Islands.<br><br>'''KH Sora B/Illustrated Sora/Atlantica Sora'''<br>KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)<br>A spirited boy chosen by the Keyblade to fight the Heartless.<br><br>'...
A Recipe is a type of item introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. They are used in item synthesis. In Kingdom Hearts II, each Recipe allows the creation of an item at the Moogle Shop. When a recipe is found, it is stored as a unique item, and is...
) Complete Gummi Mission: Atlantica Level 3. Ixion (イクシオン Ikushion?) Complete Gummi Mission: Halloween Town Level 3. Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ Girugamesshu?) Complete Gummi Mission: Neverland Level 3. Phoenix (フェニックス Fenikkusu?) Complete Gummi Mission: Hollow Bastion Level...
Ursula is one of the bosses in the world Atlantica. Fighting her is made possible in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, but in Kingdom Hearts II the combat is replaced by a song sequence, "Ursula's Revenge". In Kingdom Hearts 3D:...
A sleight is a type of special technique in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, activated by certain combinations of two or three Cards. Sleights are used by Sora, Riku, bosses that use a deck, and Marluxia's...