Power Stone 轮回镇猴子 Mythril Stone 阿拉丁蝎子怪 Serenity Power泰山大蘑菇 Lightning Stone泰山竹林分身法师 Mythril Stone阿拉丁蝎子罐头怪 Blazing Stone万圣节罐头机器人 Frost Stone鲸鱼胃袋幽灵 Dazzling Stone小飞侠加甲板炮弹鱼 Stormy Stone最后世界最终休息点隔壁房间分身黑无心(刷到别的怪物就退出世界重新进来)...
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix is a reissue of Kingdom Hearts for the PlayStation 2. Most plot and gameplay elements are the same, and the game also includes the features added to the international version of the game. The game combines English...
A Recipe is a type of item introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. They are used in item synthesis. In Kingdom Hearts II, each Recipe allows the creation of an item at the Moogle Shop. When a recipe is found, it is stored as a unique item, and is...
Inception a zombie kingdom hearts roleplay [sign-ups] Narration by Near Ever have those days where you just feeling like dying? I don't blame you for feeling that way. You see; things have changed drastically over the last three decades. There was a viral outbreak of this radical new he...
The stomp attack in particular is blazing fast and lethal, as are her bite attacks. Summoning fire is more tame, but don't underestimate the damage the fire can deal. Destroying the flames can net you trick cards, which let you summon three rocks to stand on. Should you find yourself ...
The Mega-Ether is a recurring item introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It can typically be used in battle to restore MP to all party members.
Frost is a material type introduced in Kingdom Hearts. Frost materials contain the essence of ice.
Soothing, also called Bright, is a material type introduced in Kingdom Hearts. Bright materials contain the essence of vitality or brightness. In Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, they are "modifier" materials that can be added...
Appearance: Picture the princess of hearts keyblade with the handle turned upside-down and coloured white. The blade is the same except instead of a hooked edge in the shape of a heart it is shaped as the nobody symbol, and the blade is coloured a dark grey. The keychain is also the...
However it was not Kingdom Hearts that was its dominion as suspected, rather it was the alter reconfigured where something else was created ... 'Kingdom Hearts Supreme' Explanation; at a time everything was destroyed, by the Oblivions. The ...