Kingdom Full Tabernacle International Ministries is a Bible believing Church Headquartered in Darien Connecticut. We have the mandate from God to manifest the Kingdom of God on earth. KFT is a determinedly Christian church. It is built upon the person of
The theme of the Glorious Kingdom begins in the Pentateuch, where God reveals himself in glory, first to the patriarchs, then to Moses, and finally to the people of Israel as his portable throne room is erected as the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the presence of the Yahweh the King ...
Dutch Sheets MinistriesDutch Sheets is an internationally renowned Prophetc, Pastor, speaker and author of many book on Intercrssory Prayer. Faith TabernacleHome of the Spirit of Prophey Bulletin with “The Trumpet” byBill Burnsand “Small Straws in a Soft Wind” byMarsha Burns Faithfullness in...
John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will
If ·the Lord is pleased with me [L I find favor in the Lord’s sight/eyes], he will bring me back and will let me see both it and ·Jerusalem [L its dwelling place/tent/Tabernacle] again. 26 But if the Lord says ·he is not pleased with me [L “I take no delight...
17:4 Three tents: the booths in which the Israelites lived during the feast of Tabernacles (cf. Jn 7:2) were meant to recall their ancestors’ dwelling in booths during the journey from Egypt to the promised land (Lv 23:39–42). The same Greek word, skēnē, here translated tents, ...