stunts (as Yuen Shun Yi) Jackie Chan ... stunt actor (uncredited) Charles Gatt ... stunts (uncredited) Hyeon-jin Park ... additional stunt double: Jackie Chan (uncredited) Ming-Sing Wong ... stunts (uncredited) Gang Wu ... additional stunt double: Jackie Chan (uncredited) Camera...
wmyi / newbee-mall Wolfire / newbee-mall worldknoweme / newbee-mall wsearl / newbee-mall wuchgan / newbee-mall wuhooWang / newbee-mall wujeangwei / newbee-mall wupeng889900 / newbee-mall wushaonan / newbee-mall wusp / newbee-mall ...
First NameLast NamePrimary AffiliationAntonio Abate King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Lutz Ackermann University of Gottingen, Germany Markus Antonietti Max Planck Society, Germany Katsuhiko Ariga National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Didier Astruc Universite de Bordeaux, Fran...
周灵王二十一年历谱(公元前(B.C)506-507乙未)In the 21st year of King Ling of Zhou, 506-507 BC, the year of Yi Wei 周灵王二十一年 ( 公元前 ( B . C ) 5 0 6 - 5 0 7 乙未 ) I n t h e 2 1 s t y e a r o f K i n g L i n g o f Z h o u , 5 0 6 ...
周幽王姬宫湦元年历谱(公元前(B.C)736-737乙巳)In the first year of King You of Zhou's reign, from 736 to 737 BC, the year of Yi Si
Created by Zhou Yi of the Qing Dynasty 鉴赏Appreciation 画中一女子,持勺调羹,鬓发高捻,小鼻樱口,眉垂目笑,神态娴静。着交领襦裙,蓝带轻垂,态度温婉。案上设三足鼎、盖碗、细瓶与杯,群味俱全,手法灵巧,和羹鼎鼐。 In the painting, a lady skillfully mixes a soup with a spoon, her hair neatly ...
Ernest baopuzi, zhouhoubeijifang, Xi Xi and other works. He wrote more vividly in the famous work the legend of immortals: Huainan Wang, good fairy Road, domestic tourists to carry more than from the alchemist. Once, there are eight Yi, is like old, haggard slouch, a doorman (a) ...
The paint will be crowded in the next two weeks, Yi has the assistance of former NBA player Carlos Boozer while promising young center Zhou Qi has joined hands with Blatche. As the best Chinese player nowadays, Yi had only 29 appearances this season in order to rest well before the playof...
西周懿王姬囏十年(公元前(B.C)841-842 庚申)In the tenth year of King Yi(Ji Gui)of Western Zhou Dynasty, from 841 to 842 BC, the year of Gengshen刘星1 月 伐簋:唯王七(十?)年,正月初吉甲申。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27...